Our Story.
Braxton received his diagnosis at age 3.
We watched my brother’s skills regress right before our eyes. The babbling and eye-contact seemingly went away overnight. After the diagnosis, the conversations in my family turned from “‘What are we going to do?’ to ‘What can we do to help him succeed?'“. Luckily, my parents were directed to look more into Applied Behavior Analysis and received amazing hands-on training of interventions, all while learning how to navigate the new world of autism.
For many of you, this story may resonate. It is hard to understand how autism can impact your lives until it has. However, a diagnosis does not mean that your child will not succeed. It just means that they may need to use different tools to achieve their goals.
Braxton’s success is owed in part to ABA therapy. It is also due to my parent’s continued dedication to finding the best resources available.
My hope in founding Kindred Ties Therapy is to help families just like mine, find the best ways to navigate the joys and challenges autism may bring. As a provider, I will use my family’s experience to help yours.